Back pain
Back pain: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention

Do you often find yourself taking leave from work over your back pain? Well, it is one of the most common reasons people consult a doctor and miss work. Back pain can tamper with one’s daily routine and can be highly uncomfortable. Muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones together constitute the human back; they work in […]

Back Pain
5 Common Causes of Back Pain

Are you suffering from chronic back pain or discomfort and aren’t sure why? Back pain can have a serious impact on your daily life, and letting back pain go untreated can lead to worsening symptoms and even lasting damage. Figuring out what’s causing your back pain is the first step toward back pain relief. These five common […]

Fracture | Types, Causes & Symptoms – Dr. Pramod Kumar Surve

Fracture, in pathology, a break in a bone caused by stress. Certain normal and pathological conditions may predispose bones to fracture. Children have relatively weak bones because of incomplete calcification, and older adults, especially women past menopause, develop osteoporosis, a weakening of bone concomitant with aging. Pathological conditions involving the skeleton, most commonly the spread of cancer to bones, may also cause […]

Spine Care Specialist for Effective Treatment in Hadpsar
Spine Disorders By | Dr. Pramod Kumar

Back and spine trouble is one of the most common causes of chronic or debilitating pain among adults. Spine disorders can interfere with nearly all aspects of your life, including daily work and fun outings with friends and family. From spinal stenosis to scoliosis to tumors and infections, our team of surgeons, orthopedic physicians, neurological […]

Top Bone Fracture Orthopedic surgeon in Hadapsar
Bone Fracture: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

Overview Our body is a marvel of engineering. Every component works harmoniously, from our muscular system to our skeletal structure, to keep us moving and functioning. Unfortunately, accidents happen, and bones can fracture. A bone fracture is a medical condition where the continuity of the bone is interrupted or damaged. This can happen due to […]

joint replacement in Hadapsar
Joint Replacement Surgery: Restoring Mobility and Improving Quality of Life

Joint pain and mobility issues can profoundly impact an individual’s quality of life, hindering their ability to engage in daily activities and fully enjoy life. In cases where conservative treatments fall short, joint replacement surgery is an incredibly effective solution. This ground-breaking procedure has revolutionised the field of orthopaedic medicine, offering a transformative solution that […]